Saturday, April 16, 2005

The whole prospect of life after grad school is getting me down. The thesis that is beginning to remind me more of a knotted ball of yarn than a coherent group of stories, the idea of not having a job after graduating, of finding an apartment that accepts dogs and cats, and moving all my crap. Blah. I hate the uncertainty of the near future.

Today J and I went to the Wave Hill Botanical Gardens with Liz and Mitch. It was great -- very beautiful and peaceful, overlooking the Hudson. Jason and I snitched a little sorrel (delightfully tangy!), Jason and Mitch rolled down a hill, and then Jason took several pictures of Mitch mid-flight, jumping from a nearby wall. Afterwards, we went to Beard Papa for cream puffs and saw Kung Fu Hustle, an entertaining movie, but not as deliriously weird and humorous as I'd hoped.

Now back to Astoria and the toxic fumes of Aardvark. Yay. Can't wait.


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