The Invasion of the Spiders
Staying an extra night in Dunkirk because of the spider invasion problem. Spiders everywhere. Baby spiders on the bed, horror movie spiders draped over the windows. Necessary good son/daughter-in-law duty: vacuuming hordes of baby spiders from the ceilings.

Oh yeah, and we saw this band play Saturday night in Buffalo, dressed in a similiar fashion (only Melora didn't wear feathers in her hair, she wore daisies). They played "Saline the Salt Lake Queen," Jason's second favorite song, and my two favorites from How We Quit the Forest: "Sign of the Zodiac" and "Watch TV." But Rasputina doesn't take requests. Jason and his infamous friend, Stormcock, tried to heckle the band into playing Jason's first favorite song, "Wicked Dickie," but to no avail.
Interrogation at the Canadian border:
Police Officer: What was your business here?
Jason: Visiting Niagara Falls.
Police Officer: How long did you stay?
Jason: Couple of hours.
Police Officer: What did you purchase in Canada?
Jason: A postcard and some candy.
Police Officer: Where did you come from?
Jason: Dunkirk.
Police: What?
Jason: Dunkirk.
Police: Oh. Where do you live?
Jason: Astoria.
Police: What's your relationship to each other?
Jason: We're married.
Police: When did you get married?
Jason: May 27th.
Police: So not that long. Where were you born?
Jason: New York.
Police: And you?
Me: Honolulu.
Police: What?
Me: Hawaii.
Police: Do you have your birth certificate on you?
And on, and on. The standstill traffic seemed to signify that everyone was getting sufficiently grilled. But still. What was the significance of asking when we got married? And why did he want to see my birth certificate? It's not like Hawaii's in a different fucking country or anything.
It made me grumpy. But Aaron's show was wonderful, and we rode the Maid of the Mist at Niagara Falls and got all misted. Then we bought a maple sugar lollipop. That was fun.
what can i say? gin and tonics in nicholasville, crazy animals, pork, gravy, and oh yeah, we adopted howard, a middle aged mongoloid whom we met and fell head over heels for at st. albatross church bingo nite! just married more than a month and were parents. liz and mitch will surely want to baby sit...