In Dunkirk for the night. Tomorrow afternoon we go home to the cats and to prepare for another week of 8:30-5. I'm glad I'm not on the twilight shift anymore. Very very very very glad.
Jason's on new medication for his bladder infection. It's the last resort -- if this one proves inefficient, the doctor thinks he might have to have his bladder removed. Within the year. But so far so good.
What else? We tortured ourselves by getting an oil change at Wal-mart. We were there for over two hours, and Jason kept talking about getting a butterfly net. I'm not sure what the connection is there, except the automotive section's caddycorner to fishing/hunting/butterfly netting. I did get half a yard of neat Elvis material, and sewed Audrey another pillow once we got home. It has four squares of young Elvis dancing with a microphone. I think Jason's the only one in the world who prefers fat, cap-adorned Elvis.