Thursday, April 13, 2006

Sufficiently grumpy from little sleep and the prospect of having dinner with someone I've never met before, one of J's friends from undergrad. It would be okay if it was just dinner, but then she's to sleep over as well. I have to be consistently receptive and chatty for God knows how many hours.

I wanna be indulged in my hermit inclinations every once in a while. But Jason is too much of a social butterfly. The "mayor."

Queasiness from the lack of sleep. My stomach always riots when I get less than six hours. Constant trips to the bathroom, which was fine, since I didn't have any work to do anyway.

It's a scorcher outside, summer come too soon. I don't want summer. I want fifty degrees and a light jacket.

I wouldn't mind a Japanese-speaking watch either.


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