The Infinite Laundry Blues
Seems like I'm going to the laundromat incessantly these days. Which isn't so bad today, because the laundromat is empty. No jostling for dryers, or those horrible creaking metal carts. Just a few Irish women folding clothes and discussing a bar they went to on Avenue A.The manager must think I have an obsession with clean clothes. Which I do, kind of. Sort of. Okay, I do. I admit it. I like clean clothes. I don't like to wear jeans or shirts more than once. Wearing something more than twice (with the exception of pajamas) makes me feel grossly grungy.
Carl the orange cat is making a somewhat smooth adjustment to the household, other than trading a few swats with Rue (who shadows him relentlessly) here and there. At the moment he's lounging on one of the red circle rugs, looking content. There is a bit of a contraversy about whether he is the actual orange cat who lives next-door (he looks slightly different to me, and Nina had an email conversation with Sara Smith, the girl who lived here before I did, who didn't seem to think he was the same cat either). I guess it doesn't really matter. Carl was definitely a hungry stray in need of a warm home, and now he has one.
On other news, I am halfway through Case Histories, which is fantastic. I recommend that everyone read it.
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