Friday, March 11, 2005


After test-driving my new waffle iron for a very late brunch, I have come to the following conclusions:

1. The waffle batter recipe included in the directions is inadequate, and yields waffles of the non-fluffy variety.

2. Waffle making isn't as simple as I thought it would be. Just making sure there is equal levels of batter on the grid was a challenge.

3. The iron was a bitch to clean.

4. I prefer waffles from Mike's Diner. Any diner, really.

I haven't given up completely, but this whole waffle business will take a lot of practice. Time and effort I probably don't have, as the due date for my thesis is tick-tick-ticking its way closer and closer.

My laptop's not helping matters, either. I was just in the middle of further revising "The Mary Museum," and simultaneously writing a few more pages of "Bouquet" and "Moments of Being," when winword mysteriously decides to stop working. Bye bye, thesis.

Old movies watched: Crime of Passion (Barbara Stanwyck). Just one big silly cliche.


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